Is morality fundamental to mental health?
Is morality fundamental to mental health?

What is morality? And how is it connected to our thoughts and feelings?
Morality is a sense of right or wrong that all humans, animals inherently have and practice. The most common definition of right or wrong is about not harming oneself or others. Depending upon life situations, conditioning, needs and many other factors, people have developed their own compass pointing towards an individually defined moral north- a conscience that works individually as well as collectively. Something like, for you True north may be the only north acceptable to you, but for me North west or Kind Of North is also north. So we go about our lives making moral decisions on a daily basis. As far as our conscience is ok with it, our near and dear ones are not hurt, and it is socially accepted, we do our thing.
There is something however that needs some reflection and introspection here–
Our conscience and our definition of True North changes with our awareness levels.
As we gain more and more knowledge about how the universe truly works- our conscience or morality may change. People surely experience this on an ongoing basis. It’s basically about which realities we choose as we go about our day. On one day, we may be feeling more compassionate so we choose one action and the other day, we may be feeling angry so we choose another action. So the same mind can perceive multiple realities and chooses one depending upon how aware we are that day. Our awareness depends upon how focused or present our mind is and how unaffected it is by our thoughts and feelings. A mind affected by cravings, hatred or anger may not be able to be objective enough and choose actions that cause harm to oneself or others. On the other hand, a still objective or detached mind is able to be at its best and act despite the thoughts or feelings.
Morality becomes important because it represents our emotional state, our ability to detach and focus. Are the emotions controlling us or are we controlling the emotions? Hence, although there is also nothing right or wrong about it, certainly higher morality is preferred because it leads to more happiness, productivity and tranquility.