Pahoti Wellness

Can mental disorders be prevented?

Emotions Mental disorders

Can mental disorders be prevented?

The seeds of mental struggle are often sown long before any disorder manifests. Even before symptoms appear, the mind can start showing subtle warning signs – if we’re vigilant enough to recognize them. Addressing these early indicators is crucial in preventing the amplification of negative thought patterns and inner turmoil.

The first signs may be seemingly innocuous, like excessive stress about one’s job, heightened sensitivity to others’ comments, or a tendency to want to quit things easily. The mind constructs narratives to convince us we should react or disengage. If we believe these stories uncritically, we take the first step down a spiral of negative thinking that can be difficult to escape.

The impulse to resign from a job, cut ties with friends over minor disagreements, or take offense at small slights – these can all be early red flags. In such situations, the mind will often conjure up justifications rooted in ego – the boss is unfair, these friends aren’t worth it, I’m being disrespected. While these rationalizations may feel compelling, it’s important to maintain a clear, rational perspective and focus on survival, not just give in to the “feelings” or “thoughts.”

Many of us are conditioned to only accept the “good” and reject the “bad” in life. But this binary view is an oversimplification. Life is a balance of both, and we must be prepared to weather the storms, not just bask in the sunshine. In good times, we can indulge our ideals, but in difficult periods, our priority must be navigating challenges and preserving our wellbeing. Maintaining this equilibrium is the key to staying afloat amidst life’s ups and downs.

When faced with difficult times, it can be tempting to want to quit. But how do we know if taking that action will lead to more misery or not? One way to assess is to consider whether the decision feels too big, lacks clear triggers, and is being made too easily or hastily. Have the thoughts or feelings about quitting come up randomly, without much deliberation? Have you been acting differently lately, in ways that are uncharacteristic for you? Also, are you feeling overly stressed or unwell? These can all be signs that the decision to quit may not be the best course of action.

Failing to act quickly and purposefully in such times could result in significant losses. If we give in to despair and quit, we risk losing everything we’ve worked hard to build over the years. Starting over from the beginning is no easy feat – it’s an immense challenge. Therefore, if your situation is going well, it’s crucial that you don’t jeopardize all your progress just because you’re struggling with some thoughts or emotions that feel unmanageable.

How to build a mind that can be vigilant about this? The technique is simple. Through the practice of Vipassana meditation or mindfulness, one can learn to recognize when the mind is consumed by craving, hatred, or other strong emotions. By observing these mental states objectively and without attachment, we can avoid being swept up in their narratives. This skill of detached observation comes with regular practice – sitting to witness our thoughts and feelings on a daily basis helps us discern what is true versus what is merely a passing mental construct. Cultivating this mindful awareness equips us to remain poised and unswayed, even in the face of powerful emotions.



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